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Decode by Upload

Finally, with QrcodeCapture comes another component which allows image scanning via classic file upload. Nothing is actually uploaded. Everything is happening client-side.

If you are on mobile and your browser supports it, you are not prompted with a file dialog but with your camera. So you can directly take the picture to be uploaded. Adjust this behavior with the following dropdown:


      <select v-model="selected">
        <option v-for="option in options" :key="option.text" :value="option">
          {{ option.text }}

    <hr />

    <p class="decode-result">
      Last result: <b>{{ result }}</b>

    <qrcode-capture @decode="onDecode" :capture="selected.value" />

import { QrcodeCapture } from '../../../../src'

export default {
  components: { QrcodeCapture },

  data() {
    const options = [
      { text: 'rear camera (default)', value: 'environment' },
      { text: 'front camera', value: 'user' },
      { text: 'force file dialog', value: false }

    return {
      result: '',
      selected: options[0]

  methods: {
    onDecode(result) {
      this.result = result

Released under the MIT License.